Installing the LOOP shower is easy and simple – it only takes a few hours and does not require remodeling your bathroom. Our goal is to be able to install in all shower niches, but right now there may be exceptions. Try our installation check below if you want to know if LOOP can be installed.

Installation check

Fill in the information and we will guide you through four steps to find out if your bathroom is suitable for the Flow Loop Shower.

Eco Loop fits almost any bathroom, but requires:

1. How big is your shower niche? *

Distance between floor and ceiling.

2. What type of drain do you have? *


3. What type of shower fixture do you have? *


4. What wall is your shower fixture placed on? (Optional)

Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, svg, jpeg, webp, , Max. file size: 5 MB.

5. Find out the answer

Dette felt er til validering og bør ikke ændres.


Customize your Flow Loop shower with LOOP COLOR.
Choose your own front colors using the NCS system color codes.​ You have the freedom to choose either the company color codes or adapt it to your specific preferences.


  • Floor drop and/or shower edge that enables the build-up of 2-6 mm of water in the shower niche
  • Access to a 230V socket or an electrician’s visit
  • 225 cm from floor to ceiling
  • The shower must have its own drain

Still in doubt? Take the installation check at the top of the page or contact us today.

FAQ and technical data

Flow Loop’s recirculating shower recirculates the water while you shower. You only recirculate your own water and you decide whether the shower recirculates or not. In this way, you can achieve water and energy savings at the same time as you get a very comfortable shower experience. 

Flow Loop’s recirculating shower can be installed in most existing bathrooms without the need for remodeling. The shower is mounted directly on the wall with screws and connected to the existing water outlet.

Please click below to get answers to any general or technical questions you may have.

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